ICT as Medium for Advocacy

1. How information and Communication and Technology (ICT) has transformed the educational methodologies when you were in grade school and now in Senior High School.


 Back in the days when I was in grade school, I didn't have that much knowledge about ICT or Information and Communication and Technologies though I already know the existence of gadgets and other types of devices. Back then it was so hard for me to keep up with the class because we've still got to read more books in order to learn and get answers to the given questions for us. ICT has brought a change now that I'm in Senior High School, it became easier for me to grasp things that can help me with my studies with the help of Information and Communication and Technology. 

   ICT had also changed the system of learning from face to face into modular or online mode of learning, especially now that we are currently experiencing this pandemic. A new normal have been introduced to us and along with it is the new ways of doing things that is more different than before. We can say that ICT had also become the new foundation of acquiring knowledges which can help us in our education but you should know the consequences and proper conduct when using it. Today, we use the new systems of learning which are modular and online class that is very different from what we used to back in grade school which is face to face.

2. Consider the following for comparison:

   a. The singing of the national anthem (Form a line, sing the national anthem with conductor)

  b. Concepts notes

  c. Presentation of visual aids

  d. Class record

  e. Class dismissal

   f. Assignment and research


a. We are used to singing our national anthem in our plaza everyday at school, forming a line first then wait for a conductor and sing the national anthem but now it's different because of the pandemic that we are currently facing. Now that we are using the new system of learning which made us stayed at home all the time, the singing of national anthem is only conducted through online or some may not. It is a fact that some of us can't follow the right way of singing the national anthem when we're still face to face but we should change that kind of behaviour and do it more properly than before.

b. It is now easier to write a concept notes with the use of different kind of applications which can help and guide to make good result which is unlike before that you've got a hard time writing it. The submission can now also be done through online.

c. The presentation of visual aids before was way more effective than presenting it in a powerpoint and in other applications, reporting is the traditional way of showing what you've learned about the lesson and what you can do in order to make others understand the point of your report but now it is different because of this pandemic.

d. Teachers always record the result of each output that is given to us back then, may it be short quizzes or any additional activity but now they've only rate those activity by the means of submitting them online.

e. Whenever class ended we always greet our teachers with everyone thanking them for the whole day they've spent teaching us and the fun that it gives, now just one click to log out from your account not even having a chance to have a talk with others that much.

f. Assignment is always given to us by our teachers by the end of the class and some research to do at home, nowadays you'll just have to browse through some website and look for the answers to the given activity for you. But it's really convenient though, the thing is just that it's not like before.


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